
Meet Kristyn!

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Seriously how pretty is she?!!

If you don't have a friend like Kristyn in your life then I feel very sorry for you. This gorgeous girl and I met through work and we've been buds ever since, and aside from my lovely PT, she's my go-to for fitness and health. She's actually a sponsored athlete for Protein King, because that's how awesome this girl is!

So naturally, when you have an amazingly exquisite gal pal with all that fitness and health knowledge, you want to pick her brain, and luckily enough Kristyn let me do just that! I honestly believe that when you feel good on the inside, it'll show on the outside, and Kristyn is a beautiful example of that. 

Without further ado, here we GO!

Kristyn is bae <3

Sparrow: What is your pre-workout skin routine? (Make-up off, make-up on? Moisturizer or bare face?)
Kristyn: I generally go to the gym after my day has already ended so I just go with whatever make up I have left on. I’m not going to purposefully take it off but if I go early in the morning before I have work or uni, I’ll just put some tinted moisturizer on. I don’t want to scare people away!

S: What do you do post-workout, beauty and skin wise?
K: I take my make up off and wash my face as soon as I get home, especially if it’s been an incredibly sweaty session (ew, gross right?).

S: What’s the one beauty/skin trend that you hate most at the gym?K: Honestly, there’s nothing. I just let people be. If someone wants to get all fancied up for the gym, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it at all, it might make them feel more comfortable.
S: How do you think your awesome, super fit lifestyle has impacted your beauty and skin routines?
 K: My skin tends to look a bit more healthy and “glowy” if that’s even a word. Now that I’m a bit more self confident than I used to be, I love a good bright red lippy.
dat glow and red lip tho!

S: What’s your go-to make-up look for a night out?
Standard smokey eye (even though I’m terrible at it) and a bold lip.
(I heartily disagree, look at that gorgeous mug!)

S: What’s the one thing you wish people would stop doing at the gym?
Judging others! Nothing makes me more angry than seeing a group of guys or girls laughing or snickering about someone working out behind their back. 

S: I’m a rad beauty blogger who can name mascaras by packaging, but I’m almost clueless at the gym. What are the two things you’d recommend to the average girl/blogger? K: Number one, don’t be scared of lifting heavy weights and secondly, if you’re not sure how to do something – ASK! Too many people injure themselves trying to do something incorrectly!
S: What are your favourite three beauty products?
K: My MAC Rebel lippy, NARS Sheer Matte foundation and my Australis bronzer!
(a girl after my own heart, ALL THE LOVE to Australis!)

S: What are you three favourite fitness/gym products? K: Anything Nike. Literally anything. I want it all. Quest Protein bars are the bomb.com and my pre workout.
S: You have a big date tonight with your crush of three weeks. What’s one thing that always boosts your confidence before a big night out?
A good hair day! If my hair looks good, I feel good. My hair is scary thin so on the rare occasion that it actually does what I want, it makes me feel amazing.
Yeah like that!

And finally, this little sparrow HAD to ask:
Do you even lift bro?

To which the ever-lovely and brilliant Kristyn replied;
I like lifting dat pizza slice to my mouth.

Amen to that sister!

Much love and thanks to Kristyn for letting me bombard her with questions! Check out her articles and videos at http://www.proteinking.com.au
See more of her gorgeous face, fitness advice and fitspo on Instagram!

Until next time my little birds,
Tweet tweet xx

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